Dr. Ajay Kumar Sharma is an Assistant Professor. He has over ten years of teaching experience, and has previously taught for over eight years at the National Law University, Jodhpur. His Ph.D. from NLU, Jodhpur is in the area of investment law, with a focus on the Indian FDI Law and Policy. He is a LL.M. (Gold Medallist) (2005-07) from the Indian Law Institute (Deemed University), New Delhi with specialisation in the fields of Judicial Administration, and International Trade Law. He did his LL.B. (2000-03) from the Campus Law Centre (DU). He has experience of teaching: investment law, law of evidence, international investment law, GATT, interpretation of statutes, law of corporate insolvency, company law, civil procedure, ADR, and professional ethics. Before embarking on his academic career, he also practised law in the Supreme Court of India, the Delhi High Court, and the Tis Hazari District Court, Delhi. He has also served as a Civil Judge (JD) for a while. His articles have appeared in various reputed international law reviews including, the Chicago-Kent Journal of International and Comparative Law, Intertax, Asian International Arbitration Journal, Business Law Review, Indonesian Journal of International & Comparative Law, and Asian Journal of Legal Education. He has presented papers in several prestigious law conferences including, the World Congress on International Law (2015), and ASIANSIL Biennial Conference (2013).