Dr. Neelam Tyagi is an Assistant Professor at the Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. She completed her LL.B. from the Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi. Her LLM specialization is in Corporate Laws and her Doctoral Research is on Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms from Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. She has Qualified UGC-NET for Lectureship in Law. She has over 11 years of teaching experience and was previously working with Amity Law School and as Researcher with the Indian Social Institute, Delhi (NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations). She has supervised more than 50 dissertations at Amity Law School, Delhi and LLM dissertations at Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. Though she has taught many law courses both at the postgraduate and undergraduate level, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Competition Laws, Legal Drafting and Gender Justice are her major areas of interest. She has various research papers and chapters in the edited book to her credit. She has written various blogs, online research papers, book reviews, delivered invited lectures, is involved in the creation of ICT mediated teaching-learning pedagogy, judged moots and presented papers in national and international seminars and conferences. She was the Associate Editor of the Journal Legal News and Views; Faculty Advisor for Amity Student Journal and Faculty Member of the Journal of Campus Law Centre (vol. VI and VII). She has written and translated various booklets for legal awareness and is associated with various Government institutions working towards the dissemination of legal knowledge.
Email- n.neelamtyagi@gmail.com